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Cheap flights finder




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  • We compare
  • Kayak
  • Skyscanner
  • Momondo
  • Cheapflights
  • Jetradar
  • Kiwi

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Flight Finder

FlightsFinder finds the cheapest flights from 100’s of airlines and OTA’s on flight routes worldwide.

Flight comparison site
Flight comparison site
Flight comparison site
Flight comparison site

We compare prices on our dashboard from the best flight comparison sites, like KAYAK, Skyscanner, Kiwi & more.

Flight Finder

Rest assured that we will find you the most economical prices from the world's best flight sites.

What does our cheap flight finder do?

What does our cheap flight finder do?

Our flight finder is an easy-to-use tool for finding cheap flights, comparing prices from the world's best flight comparison sites. These websites use smart technology to compare prices from hundreds of airlines and travel agents. However, we suggest comparing at least four options on our search results page to ensure you get the best deal possible.

FlightsFinder lets you compare flights from multiple sources on one screen, including KAYAK, Skyscanner, Kiwi, momondo, Cheapflights, Google flights and others. Since each site shows different results, it's important to check them all for the best deals.

While comparison engines do search through hundreds of airlines and travel agents, none of them have access to all the data—until now. Flights Finder solves this problem by displaying every available option from various sources on a single screen, providing travellers with comprehensive choices.

How to compare flights quickly?

To compare flights quickly, just click on the tabs on our search results screen to see prices from different search engines. This makes it easy to find the best flight prices in no time!

How to find cheaper flights using Flights Finder?

How to find cheaper flights using Flights Finder?

Here are some suggestions on how to utilize our flight finder to snag a great deal:

1. Explore at least four comparison engines on our search results page. The more comparisons you make, the more confident you can be in finding the best deal.

2. Utilize our flexible calendars to check if departing on a different day could save you money. Easily access these calendars by selecting flexible dates in our search form or clicking the 'date grid' icon on the search results page.

3. Experiment with searching from multiple departure airports. Our broad search engine allows you to search from the entire country to a specific destination, found under the heading "Where can you fly for cheap?" on our page.

4. Consider searching for two separate one-way flights instead of a round-trip. Easily select the one-way flight option on our main search engine, and we also offer flexible calendars for one-way flight searches.

5. Explore the option of adding a layover to potentially reduce the price. Sometimes, breaking up your journey with a stopover can be worth it. Play around with this feature using our multi-city flight option.

Where can you fly for cheap from Malaysia?

Why use Flights Finder to compare cheap flights?

Why use Flights Finder to compare cheap flights?

FlightsFinder is a good place to start comparing cheap flight prices for the following reasons:

  • Comprehensive - We compare more flights than any other comparison engine in the world from one platform in multiple countries and currencies.
  • Economical - You can save up to 20% off flights by comparing flights using our dashboard.
  • Trustworthy - We have been recommended by numerous publications including travel authority Frommers.
  • Live Help - We have live experts and travel agents ready to help you for a small fee and 'Beat your Best Price'. (You can access them by clicking the expert help icon in the bottom right corner).
  • User-Friendly - Our site features an easy-to-use dashboard which allows you to find your ideal flight effortlessly.
  • One-stop-shop - We search all types of flights including one way flights, multi city, business class, first class, flexible flights and compare many other travel options including hotels, package deals, car hire and more.
How can you find the cheapest places to fly?

How can you find the cheapest places to fly?

Utilize our flexible dates calendar to discover the most budget-friendly destinations and pinpoint the optimal time to book your flight.

In the destination field, simply select 'search everywhere' to explore the most economical options departing from your selected airport.

Our flexible calendars offer the flexibility to view prices for dates surrounding your chosen ones, spanning either the entire month or the whole year. You can opt to search for flights to any destination, or you can specify a particular location and indicate your flexibility with dates to uncover the ideal time to travel.

Who recommends our Flight Finder?

Who recommends our Flight Finder?

For years, experts have emphasized the importance of comparing multiple flight aggregators to secure the best deals online. This advice has been echoed by various publications, including travel authority Frommers, which highlighted our potential to save travelers hundreds on a single flight. The Telegraph, The Times, and numerous voices within the travel industry have also endorsed this approach, advocating for the use of multiple cheap flight comparison sites as an effective search strategy.

FlightsFinder was established by Shahab Siddiqui after years of thorough research into the travel landscape. He determined that the most effective way to uncover affordable flights is by comparing flight aggregators. Our search engine benefits from Siddiqui's extensive experience, spanning over 15 years in the travel industry. His insights are regularly sought after by the media, leading to features in reputable publications such as the Huffington Post, Business Insider, Mail Online, The Express, and many others.

Which flight comparison site is the best?

Which flight comparison site is the best?

No single flight comparison engine is the best every time. Each website excels in different areas: KAYAK covers North American routes well, Skyscanner is ideal for European flights, and Kiwi specializes in stitching together low-cost fares from non-affiliated global airlines. Jetradar, Jetcost, and Google Flights cater to specific needs such as Asian travel, long-haul flights, and major airline coverage respectively. The search engines we show you are the most reputable, have broad airline coverage and have access to the cheapest fares worldwide.

Here are some of the flight search engines you can compare on our site:


KAYAK logo

KAYAK is one of the most popular flight comparison engines in the world. It is owned by Booking Holdings and has millions of users worldwide. It has been live since 2004 and is our primary partner. You will see KAYAK results on the first tab of our search results screen.

2. Skyscanner

Skyscanner logo

Skyscanner is one of Europe's biggest flight search engine's. Established in 2003 they have excellent coverage of european carriers. Our flexible dates calendar is powered by the Skyscanner search engine and you can find their results on the second tab of our search results page.


KIWI logo

Established in 2011, Kiwi has established itself as an important global flight search engine. They specialise in combining fares from non-cooperating airlines to cobble together cheaper fare itineraries. Sometimes this results in long layovers but it could be worth it if you manage to save hundreds. You can compare their results on the third tab of our search results screen.

We also compare momondo, Cheapflights, Jetradar, Jetcost, Skiplagged and Google flights.

How to find cheap flights: Questions & Answers

How do I find the cheapest flights ever?

If you are looking for the cheapest possible round trip to a particular destination on a fixed date, it would be wise to check multiple websites because different websites have different prices. Luckily FlightsFinder has made this task easy by providing you with a convenient dashboard that allows you to compare all the best search engines side by side. We search KAYAK, Skyscanner, Jetradar, momondo, Cheapflights, Kiwi, and more, effectively searching over 1200 different sources for flights to make sure you get the very best deal. To prove this, you can do a simple test, go to your favourite website, fetch the lowest price then compare it with our search engine tabs. We are highly confident we will beat or equal the price you can find anywhere else.

How do I find the cheapest dates to fly?

The number one factor which affects your flight price is the dates you choose to fly on. The more flexible you are with your flight dates, the cheaper your flight can be. Thankfully, our Flight Finder has a powerful, flexible dates flight tool. This tool allows you to see the cheapest return flight 3 days before or after your chosen dates, the entire month, or even the entire year. For example, if you wanted to fly to Manila from Kuala Lumpur in January, It could set you back by about RM1187. However, if you used our flexible search, it will tell you that if you travelled in November, the price would be around RM433. The best way to find a flight that suits you is to play around with the flexible calendar function and see what comes up.

What is Meta-Meta flight search?

A metasearch engine is a site that aggregates data from multiple other websites for comparison. So for example - is a flight meta-search engine that searches hundreds of different airlines and travel agents to find which one has the cheapest deal. Various other metasearch engines exist, such as Skyscanner, momondo,, and more. We found that no single search engine finds the best deal every time without fail. Sometimes Skyscanner might find the best value, while other times, KAYAK will come out on top. This price difference is because each site has different partnerships and relies on various data sources. The best way to combat this problem is to search multiple aggregator sites/ metasearch engines we have developed here at Our mighty search allows you to compare Skyscanner, KAYAK, momondo, Kiwi, and more side by side in seconds. We call this process of searching - Meta-Meta Flight Search®.

How do I find which airline is the cheapest?

After you fill out our search form with your travel requirements and dates, hit search, and we will transfer you to our flight results dashboard. In this dashboard, you should find filters on the left-hand side of each search engine so you can see all the airlines flying your particular route. The cheapest airline is displayed by default but not necessarily the most convenient; use the filters to choose the airline you desire with direct flights or flights with stops. Keeping up to date with your favourite airline on social media and via email is also helpful, so the latest cheap deals from your favourite airline don't get past you.

Are the prices on Flights Finder accurate?

The first thing to note is that FlightsFinder has no control over the flight prices on display. We aggregate the best third-party flight search engines on one platform. It is similar to Google in that sense; we display information found by others. However, the flights that our metasearch engine partners provide are usually very accurate. There may be the odd occasion where a flight is no longer available on click-through - or a flight that was listed has now gone up in price. We recommend that if such a thing was to occur, click another search engine tab on our dashboard and look for an alternate flight.

Which search engine is best for finding cheap flights?

In our opinion, the best sites to find cheap flights are the aggregator sites. You could go to a Travel agent like Travelocity or Expedia, but you don't get as many options as you do on a flight aggregator. For example, a simple search on Expedia for a round trip flight from Kuala Lumpur to Sydney for a week in August returned the lowest price of RM2901. The exact search done on FlightsFinder found a cheaper flight via Jetradar for RM1812. The simple answer is no search engine is best for finding cheap flights every time - your best bet is to search a few of the best flight search engines via our convenient flight finder dashboard.

How do I find the cheapest flight price guaranteed?

To find the cheapest possible flight to your destination, you need two things. 1.) to be flexible with your dates, and 2.) Check multiple flight comparison sites. You can do this easily by using our robust, flexible date calendar, which gives you an idea of prices for the entire month or year. Then compare search engines on those days that the flights are cheapest (using our dashboard) and save even more of your ticket (even up to 20%). This strategy will practically guarantee you find the cheapest flight on earth.

How do I find the cheapest flights to a particular country or city?

To find the cheapest flight to a particular country, you need to enter a broad search in our recent deals search engine. FlightsFinder allows you to search from country to country to discover the cheapest route: e.g., Malaysia to Thailand. This search will show you the most affordable airlines and flights between the two countries. You can also do a broad city-to-country search such as Kuala Lumpur to the Philippines or Penang to China - this will give you the cheapest flight to the most affordable route between that city and country. If you wish to find the cheapest flight price to a particular city, enter your departure airport to the required city destination, e.g. Kuala Lumpur to London - then select flexible dates. You can choose flights for the whole month or even the entire year to discover the best time to fly.

How can I keep myself informed of the latest flight deals?

We recommend you sign up to our email list to receive our money-saving travel bulletin. You can sign up on our main search form, and we will keep you updated on the very best deals departing from Malaysia. We also urge you to follow our social media channels, where we will be regularly posting the hottest travel deals, latest news, travel tips, and fun facts.

What are some other top tips to get the cheapest flights possible?

Other strategies you can use to find cheaper flights include booking your flight and hotel together if you also require accommodation. Sometimes agents bundle prices together, leading to a discount, so it's always worth checking that out on our flight and hotel search page. Another option is flying into a close-by city to your intended destination; if it's a cheaper city to fly into, then take a road trip to your desired destination; you can check various open-jaw options using our multi-city or one-way flights page. This way, you may save a bit plus take in the sights of another city to boot. Finally, we recommend you start looking for a flight about 54 days before departure. Leaving it to the last minute is risky and could lead to price increases and less availability of airline tickets.

FlightsFinder in the press

Is this the king of airfare search sites? The aggregator of aggregators


FlightsFinder in the press

Travel site looks for errors that produce ultra-cheap air fares

Los Angeles Times

FlightsFinder in the press

Man creates travel website from his hospital bed and it's saving people millions


FlightsFinder in the press

'World's first meta-meta flight search' to be better than Google?

The Telegraph

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